Saturday, August 10, 2013

Healthy Change and New Beginnings

Lately I have had some new and exciting things change in my life. At first I was oblivious to the effects it was having on my life. But as more routines have started to change I have begun see my happiness level increase. The biggest change was my job! What a difference that has made in every part of my life. The new job is more about just doing assigned work and less about being a servant for others needs all day. So now I just do my assigned work and that's it. I am finding that time now with my family is less stressful, I smile more and I am happy and satisfied at the end of my work day. Also my hours are much more flexible now, so it's not about what hours I work, but the work I accomplish. Finding a job like this has been a long time coming.

We have all heard so many times about how it is so important to like what you do, but so often, at least for me that was easier said than done. There are some people that are so Type A that they would just go crazy without a lot of pressure in their life. But, I want to tell you that I have been on that track for too long and it takes its toll on you and everyone around you.

Now I have noticed that my body does not feel so tense at the end of the day and I am more at peace with myself and those around me.

You may not be able to change your job at this time but don't stop looking because it's out there and you need to keep pursuing it until you find it. Because the reward is so great and not just to your happiness but to your health as well.

We all have to make our money somewhere and if we are miserable doing that, than we will look for other ways to find our joy and that can often lead to unhealthy routines. Some of those can be overeating and/or overuse of alcohol or just becoming a couch potato, all to compensate for our unhappy work life.

My hope is that this message will encourage you to begin to take the steps that you know you need to take, that will move you to a more healthier and happier life style. Remember it all starts with you! You may need to get new training or just take a leap in a new direction, one that you probably never even considered before. But just let yourself explore and when you can, give it a try. You may really be surprised to where you arrive. It could be the discovery a whole new you, enjoying your life for a change! 

"Action is the foundational key to all success"  
-Pablo Picasso