Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Truth About Working for Yourself

The truth about working for yourself. Did you know that Self-employed people really do NOT have to work long hours.
Well this is an individual’s free choice whereas some people enjoy their work so much that they want to put in long hours. But, when you are self employed you have the control. So, you and only you decide your hours. This will however depend on the type of business you engage in.

If you conduct Professional or Personal Service type business such as: Lawyer, Accountant or Dog Groomer you will only be generating income while you are doing the service, when you are someplace else or at home you are receiving no income.

But, if you have an automated business such as an Internet business, Vending Machines or Commercial Property you can be generating income 24/7 without having to be there.

The type of business that you choose is up to you, so if you don’t like working long hours, you certainly don’t have to.

You can also run multiple businesses at the same time.  This might sound too complicated, but once you’ve been running a business for a while it’s not that hard to repeat the process and start another one.  This should be fun if you are enjoying yourself.


Self-employment is less risky than getting a job:

Self employment gives you safety nets that you will never have with a job!

You have control over your income because if you want more money you can just raise your prices.

No one else can fire you or lay you off as you will have many sources of income, especially if you create several ways to market or even grow other businesses off your original one.

If you need to make extra cash quickly, that’s very tough to do as an employee.  But as an owner who controls all the business assets, you have the ability to rechannel resources to increase income in a pinch.  Having control makes a huge difference.

Employees take the biggest risk of all.  You learn how risky it is when you unexpectedly hear the words…“we’re letting you go”…while the owners enjoy the spoils of record profits.


Being Self-employed you will have more than one source of income:

As an employee it only takes two simple words from your boss and guess what they are? “You’re fired!” Suddenly you have no income!

As a self employed person you will have many customers or sources of income, so if one dries up there are many more to cover the loss.

You don’t lose all of your income at once the way you could as an employee. This is especially true if you have more than one business, known as “Multiple Streams of Income”. This could be several online businesses or a service type business plus an automated one.

So, self-employed people enjoy much greater flexibility and elasticity on pay sources than their employee counterparts!  


Being Self-employed is less Stressful:

Again, this all comes back to control. People feel way less pressure and stress if they have control over their time and their life. When you are self-employed you have the freedom to say when you are or are not going to do something.

As an employee you are told what you can and can’t do by being told: What you can wear (a Dress Code)…Items you can have on your desk…When you must come to work…How long your break is and sometimes even Who you can or can’t talk to.

Then there is the work itself. Is it over demanding? Is it something you are interested in doing? Do you have any say or control on your assignments or your work expectations?

On the other hand, when you are self-employed you control everything! Hey…you’re the Boss!

So it’s up to you to decide how relaxing your place of work is: You decide your hours and if you need to take some time off to relax, you can do so. 

No one can force you to do anything you don’t want to do!


Being self-employed does not mean you have to be socially isolated:

As an employee you are usually discouraged from socializing with other people during your work day and often you can be fired for this.

As a self-employed person not only can you socialize when and how you desire but, this may even offer increased income for your business.

I have made some of my greatest business advancements through that chance meeting with the right person at a place I did not even plan to be!


Self-employed people do not have to do everything themselves:

Just because you’re self-employed does not mean that you must do everything yourself!

If you are conducting an Internet type business you have multiple automated options that you can and should be using.

If you are doing any non-internet type of business, you should be using a service for help with your daily mundane management tasks, so you can concentrate on the technical or artistic part of the business. This should be your goal. Hey, that’s why you are working for yourself, to be able to do what you love and have control over it.

Self-employed people may be responsible for making sure everything gets done, but it’s usually foolish for them to do everything themselves.  That would be way too much work.


Self-employment does not have to be complicated:

It does take awhile to learn the basics, but most of it isn’t particularly difficult.

Don’t let the initial learning curve get you down.  You only need to learn this info once… and only for your first business.  If you start a second business later, you’ll be up and running much more quickly.

If you set things up right, the ongoing maintenance of a business doesn’t have to be a nightmare.


You do not need lots of money to start a new business:

It depends on the type of business you are starting. But, you can start an online business for less than $20 and about $100 in annual costs. That includes getting your Domain name registered and getting your internet Hosting set up. You don’t need to pour your life savings into your first business and technology can do most of the work for you.


Try it, you will like it!

Most people who I’ve met say that becoming self-employed was the smartest thing that they ever did and wondered why they did not pursue it sooner. I’ve even heard this from friends who have had business failures the first time around. Self employment offers tremendous “Personal Growth” opportunities that you can’t get from just being an employee.

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