Sunday, February 3, 2013

Creating A More Comfortable Workspace

Create a more Comfortable Workspace. I feel that if I want to be at my personal best, I need a comfortable workspace!

Some people like high stress environments. Great! But that’s not me, I need quiet and relaxing in order to be productive.

At one place where I worked the boss felt that we had to know what was going on in the world all the time; so they installed a big screen TV on the wall that overlooked everyone’s cubicle. It streamed in CNN or FOX NEWS all day long!

My productivity went way down! 

Change your Workspace so it is Pleasing to look at:

From the minute you enter your workspace it should be a place you want to be. It should be your favorite place in the entire building or your home. Take inventory, look around. How does this space make you feel? Are you Stressed out or is it calming? Try changing anything that you can colors, posters even the direction of your furniture in your space. Figure out what works for you and go with it.

 Get rid of the Piles:

If you have piles of unfinished paperwork everywhere in your workspace you are probably feeling overwhelmed and stressed out or like you are falling behind and never going to get caught up!

Start by going through what’s on your desk then progress throughout your workspace. Papers that you are not working on should be placed out of site. You should only have three thoughts on this…either you need it now, pile it neatly on your desk…you need it later, so file it…or you haven’t needed this stuff for years, shred it.

You will probably see a dramatic improvement in your productivity and a lowered stress level once you clear up your workspace!    

Bring Plants into you Workspace:

My wife is the Orchid Queen, so of course we have lots of Orchids at home. In my office I have several green plants but my favorite is this desk planter that has an almost life sized parrot on it. It is filled with a palm and various green leafy plants. When I look up and see this, it really calms me down.

Plants produce oxygen that we need for life and they take in the carbon dioxide that we breathe out. So, they really do make your environment healthier.

Bring yourself back to nature by adding some plants to your workspace, and you’ll find yourself enjoying the environment much more.

Make sure that these plants are real as plastic or silk plants do nothing for you except collect dust and make you sick!

Create a pleasant smelling workspace:

There are a number of things you can do to help your office smell better. I prefer fresh cut or potted flowers. My wife has a vanilla Orchid that smells wonderful when it’s in bloom. But, some people like candles or potpourris.

Just go with what makes you feel comfortable and relaxed.

Bring calming music to your workspace:

Here is where people are really different. You need to find what music works for you. I find that I like different kinds of music depending on where I am in my work. If I really need to concentrate I may have to go with low and slow. If I need to get moving, I will turn on music with a stronger beat. So, you will have to make this decision for yourself. My only suggestion is, don’t disturb others, and use headphones!   

Experiment with different types of music to see what effect it has on your stress level and productivity. 

Acquire a comfortable Chair:

If you are like most office workers, sitting will be your primary position for most of your working day. So, you need to be using a comfortable chair. Remember to find a chair that supports your back posture, your bottom and your knee bend point and leg height.

 I would suggest that if you can’t get your boss to support you on this, that you find a way to purchase it yourself.


My Dad used to tell me that there are two things that you better take care of during your work-life…your Back…and…your Feet!  He’d say if you ever lose these, no one will ever want to hire you!

Even if you are working for yourself, you better take care of those two things or it will be really difficult and painful to make a living.

Get a portable fan:

Having a fan to move the hot air coming off your computer away from you can really help, especially if you live in the south where summers can get pretty darn hot.

Personalize your workspace:

Put some emotionally soothing pictures in your workspace.

My two favorite pictures are the one of our trip to Disney World with my wife, daughter and the costumed Mickey Mouse character and the one of us on the rocks at the top of a waterfall.

But, whatever you decide, make it personal and pleasing to have in your workspace!     

Find ways to gain uninterrupted solitude:

Plan for times when you can disconnect from the outside world and just be uninterrupted by everyone around you. If you have to…post a “Do Not Disturb” sign, turn off your phone, disable your instant messenger, and don’t check email either. 
This is your time to concentrate and get to things that you have been unable to attend to, due to all of the noise and clutter in your work life.

Don’t wait, begin today, and start enjoying a “More Comfortable Workspace”!!!


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